< PreviousLouisville Offense First Downs Most Opponent Date Result 39 at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45, W 38 vs. Murray State Sept. 30, 2017 55-10, W 38 Charlotte Sept. 1, 2016 70-14, W 37 Syracuse Sept. 22, 2007 35-38, L 37 Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45, W 37 Western Kentucky Nov. 4, 1989 55-7, W Rushing Attempts Most Opponent Date Result 78 at Central Michigan Oct. 25, 1958 40-7 W 71 Wichita State Nov. 5, 1977 51-21, W 68 at Wichita State Nov. 4, 1978 38-20, W 67 South Dakota St. Sept. 9, 1978 54-7, W 67 Indiana State Nov. 20, 1977 27-16, W 66 Northern Illinois Oct. 19, 1996 27-3, W Rushing Yards Most Opponent Date Result 475 Morehead State Nov. 22, 1957 40-6, W 472 South Dakota State Sept. 9, 1978 54-7, W 469 Drake Sept. 25, 1976 37-24, W 445 Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45, W 434 at Tulsa Nov. 27, 1969 35-29, W Fewest Opponent Date Result -78at Arizona State Sept. 19, 1992 0-19, L -47at Texas Christian Nov. 23, 2001 22-37, L -38Rutgers Nov. 1, 1986 0-41, L -37Xavier Oct. 19, 1951 6-47, L -31at Purdue Sept. 19, 1987 22-22, T Yards Per Rush Most Opponent Date Result 11.5 Cincinnati Nov. 27, 2004 70-7, W 10.4 at Duke Nov. 18, 2021 62-22 , W 10.1 at Syracuse Sept. 9, 2016 62-28 W 9.8 Syracuse Nov. 18, 2017 56-10, W 9.4 Wake Forest Nov. 12, 2016 44-12, W Rushing Touchdowns Most Opponent Date Result 12 at Moores Hill Oct. 11, 1913 77-0, W 9 Rio Grande Sept. 22, 1941 58-0, W 9 Eastern Kentucky Oct. 6, 1928 72-0, W 9 at Ogden Oct. 2, 1926 79-0, W 9 Hanover Nov. 15, 1912 73-0, W 8 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W 7 Florida State Sept. 17, 2016 63-20, W 7 at Syracuse Sept. 9, 2016 62-28, W 7 at Temple Sept. 9, 2006 62-0, W 7 Florida Atlantic Oct. 1, 2005 61-10, W 7 Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45, W Pass Attempts Most Opponent Date Result 67 at Cincinnati Nov. 8, 1997 9-28, L 65 Connecticut Nov. 24, 2012 20-23, L 65 Syracuse Sept. 22, 2007 35-38, L 63 Southern Miss Sept. 28, 1996 7-24, L 62 Tulane Oct. 11, 1997 33-64, L Pass Completions Most Opponent Date Result 46 at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45, W 45 Syracuse Sept. 22, 2007 35-38, L 41 at Tulane Oct. 17, 1998 22-28, L 39 Utah Oct. 5, 2007 35-44, L 39 Illinois Sept, 18, 1999 36-41, L Completion Percentage (Minimum of 10 Attempts) Pct. Opponent Date Result 92.3 Virginia Tech Nov. 4, 2023 34-3, W 90.9 Memphis Nov. 2, 1963 0-25, L 90.0 Wittenberg Oct. 4, 1946 19-0, W 86.7 at South Florida Oct. 26, 2-13 34-3, W 85.7 Boston College Sept. 23, 2023 56-28, W (Minimum of 20 Attempts) Pct. Opponent Date Result 86.7 at South Florida Oct. 26, 2013 34-3, W 84.6 Kentucky Sept. 2, 2012 32-14, W 84.0 vs. USC Dec. 27, 2023 28-42, L 84.0 South Florida Oct. 20, 2012 27-25, W 84.0 Oregon State Sept. 17, 2005 63-27, W Interceptions Thrown Total Opponent Date Result 7 Tennessee State Nov. 10, 1984 15-24, L 7 at Morehead State Oct. 28, 1933 0-13, L 6 Florida State Nov. 2, 1991 15-40, L 6 at Southern Miss Oct. 23, 1982 0-48, L 6 North Texas Nov. 16, 1968 14-36, L Passing Yards Most Opponent Date Result 615 at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45, W 555 Syracuse Sept. 22, 2007 35-38, L 506 Memphis Oct. 24, 1998 35-32, W 489 Western Kentucky Oct. 31, 1998 63-34, W 477 at Tulane Oct. 17, 1998 22-28, L Passing Touchdowns Most Opponent Date Result 8 Charlotte Sept. 1, 2016 70-14, W 6 Ohio Sept. 1, 2013 49-7, W 6 Oregon State Sept. 17, 2005 63-27, W 6 at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45, W 6 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W *Louisville has thrown 5 touchdown passes on 20; most recent at Boston College on Sept. 23, 2023. nTOTAL OFFENSE Plays Most OpponentDate Result 99 at Clemson Oct. 1, 2016 36-42, L 98 at Cincinnati Nov. 8, 1997 9-28, L 97 at Marshall Oct. 17, 1970 16-14, W 94 at Tulsa Oct. 21, 1989 24-31, L 94 at Wichita State Oct. 21, 1972 46-3, W Yards Most Opponent Date Result 845 at Syracuse Sept. 9, 2016 62-28, W 779 Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45, W 769 at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45, W 742 Cincinnati Oct. 3, 1998 62-19, W 730 Drake Oct. 15, 1966 66-26, W Fewest Opponent Date Result -14at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105, L -6Vanderbilt Nov. 15, 1941 0-68, L GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 128 24 LOUISVILLE LAMAR JACKSON14 at Saint Louis Nov. 17, 1928 0-12, L 13 at Arizona State Sept. 19, 1992 0-19, L 15 Murray State Nov. 4, 1933 6-54, L 36 Tulsa Nov. 2, 1974 7-37, L Yards Per Play Avg. Opponent Date Result 11.1 Duke Nov. 18, 2021 62-22, W 11.1 Oregon State Sept. 17, 2005 63-27, W Largest Margin (Total Yardage in a Game) Margin Opponent Date Result 596 Murray State Sept. 30, 2017 55-10, W 524 Murray State Sept. 7, 2023 56-0, W 516 Western Kentucky Nov. 4, 1989 55-7, W 483 at Marshall Sept. 24, 2016 59-28, W 466 Drake Oct. 15, 1966 66-26, W 461 Murray State Sept. 8, 1990 68-0, W nSCORING Points in a Game Points OpponentDate Result 100 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W Points in a Half Points Opponent Date Result 63 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W Points in First Half Points Opponent Date Result 56 Charlotte Sept. 1, 2016 70-14, W Points in a Quarter Points Opponent Date Result 35 Wake Forest Oct. 29, 2022 48-21, W 35 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W Touchdowns Total Opponent Date Result 14 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W Point-After Kicks Total Opponent Date Result 13 Washington, Tenn. Oct. 18, 1913 100-0, W Field Goals Total Opponent Date Result 4 Notre Dame Oct. 7, 2023 33-20, W 4 Georgia Tech Sept. 1, 2023 39-34, W 4 NC State Nov. 19, 2022 25-10, W 4 Virginia Oct. 9, 2021 33-34, L 4 NC State Oct. 22, 2016 54-13, W 4 Connecticut Oct. 23, 2010 26-0, W 4 Pittsburgh Nov. 3, 2005 42-20, W 4 at Houston Nov. 18, 2000 32-13, W nFUMBLES/TURNOVERS/PENALTIES Fumbles Total Opponent DateResult 11 at Cincinnati Nov. 14, 1970 28-14, W Fumbles, Lost Total Opponent Date Result 9 at Eastern Kentucky Nov. 2, 1929 19-6, W Fumbles, Lost (Combined – Both Teams) Total Opponent Date Result 14 at Eastern Kentucky Nov. 2, 1929 19-6, W Turnovers Total Opponent Date Result 9 at Southern Miss Oct. 23, 1982 0-48, L 9 at North Texas Sept. 30, 1967 28-30, L 9 at Eastern Kentucky Nov. 2, 1929 19-6, W Penalties Total Opponent Date Result 18 Tulane Oct. 28, 2000 35-32, W 18 Connecticut Sept. 30, 2000 41-22, W 18 Cincinnati Oct. 3, 1998 62-19, W Louisville Defense Fewest First Downs Allowed Total Opponent Date Result 1 Rose Poly Oct. 9, 1926 49-0, W 2 Florida International Sept. 21, 2013 72-0, W 2 Rio Grande Sept. 22, 1941 58-0, W 2 Eastern Kentucky Oct. 6, 1928 72-0, W 2 at Ogden Oct. 2, 1926 79-0, W Fewest Total Yards Allowed Yards Opponent Date Result 27 Florida International Sept. 21, 2013 72-0, W 43 Saint Joseph’s, Ind. Oct. 19, 1939 13-0, W 39 Rio Grande Sept. 22, 1941 58-0, W 50 Wayne State Oct. 1, 1955 72-0, W 58 Murray State Sept. 8, 1990 68-0, W 60 Grambling Sept. 9, 2000 52-0, W 60 at Wichita State Sept. 21, 1972 46-3, W Fewest Rushing Yards Allowed Yards Opponent Date Result -78at Wichita State Sept. 21, 1972 46-3, W -56Grambling Sept. 9, 2000 52-0, W -38 Catawba Nov. 5, 1949 41-7 W -22Wake Forest Sept. 28, 2014 20-10, W -19North Texas Sept. 26, 1970 13-2, W -17Chattanooga Sept. 11, 1999 58-30, W *Louisville has held opponents to 0 or negative rushing yards on 13 occasions, the most recent vs. Boston College (-14 yards) on Oct. 24, 2015 (17-14, Win). Fewest Passing Yards Allowed Yards Opponent Date Result 0 at Ogden Oct. 2, 1926 79-0, W 0 Transylvania Nov. 3, 1923 12-0, W 0 at Cumberland Nov. 7, 1914 0-20, L Fewest Pass Completions Allowed Total Opponent Date Result 0 Cincinnati Nov. 27, 1971 16-19, L 0 Eastern Kentucky Sept. 27, 1958 20-7, W 0 Murray State Sept. 30, 1949 34-14, W 0 at Ogden Oct. 2, 1926 79-0, W 0 Transylvania Nov. 3, 1923 12-0, W 0 at Cumberland Nov. 7, 1914 0-20, L 0 at Transylvania Oct. 11, 1912 32-0, W 1 Kentucky Nov. 30, 2019 13-45, 1 Ohio Nov. 14, 1959 15-22, L 1 at Evansville Oct. 15, 1955 29-7, W 1 at Wayne State Sept. 24, 1954 0-13, W 1 Evansville Oct. 4, 1941 31-6, W 1 at Eastern Kentucky Nov. 2, 1929 19-6, W Most Pass Interceptions Total Opponent Date Result 6 Army Sept. 17, 1983 31-7, W 6 North Texas Oct. 1, 1966 19-20, L 6 Central Michigan Oct. 26, 1957 40-0, W *Louisville has intercepted 5 opponent passes in a game on 12 occasions, the most recent at Houston on Nov. 18, 2000 (32-13, Win). Fumbles By Opponent Total Opponent Date Result 15 at Cincinnati Nov. 14, 1970 28-14, W Fumbles Recovered Total Opponent Date Result 8 Morehead State Nov. 5, 1955 37-12, W Quarterback Sacks Total Opponent Date Result 10 Grambling Sept. 9, 2000 52-0, W 10 Memphis Nov. 2, 1996 13-10, W 9 at Memphis Sept. 11, 1993 54-28, W 9 Wyoming Sept. 26, 1992 24-26, L nLOUISVILLE SPECIAL TEAMS Punts Total Opponent DateResult 14 at Transylvania Oct. 11, 1929 0-9, L 13 Cincinnati Oct. 27, 1973 10-8, W 13 Centre Nov. 19, 1938 0-14, L Punting Yards Total Opponent Date Result 532 at Transylvania Oct. 11, 1929 0-9, L 531 at Clemson Oct. 11, 2014 17-23, L Punting Average (Yards Per Punt) (Minimum of 5 Punts) Total Opponent Date Result 53.5 at West Texas State Nov. 24, 1973 21-9, W (Minimum of 10 Punts) Total Opponent Date Result 45.3 at Auburn Sept. 14, 1974 3-16, L Punt Returns Total Opponent Date Result 9 at Illinois Sept. 19, 1998 35-9, W 9 Murray State Sept. 8, 1990 68-0, W 9 Cincinnati Nov. 11, 1967 7-13, L Punt Return Yards Total Opponent Date Result 203 at Army Sept. 21, 2002 45-14, W Kickoff Returns Total Opponent Date Result 11 at Tennessee Oct. 24, 1953 6-59, L Kickoff Return Yards Total Opponent Date Result 258 at Cincinnati Nov. 9, 1968 7-37, L Blocked Kicks Total Opponent Date Result 4 at Chattanooga Oct. 30, 1953 6-44, L Jack Plummer completed 85.7 percent of his passes, going 18-of-21 in a win over Boston College. GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 129 First Downs 40 at Wake Forest Oct. 12, 2019 62-59 W First Downs Rushing 27 Georgia Tech Oct. 5, 2018 31-66 L First Downs Passing 24 Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 34-68 L Rushing Attempts 78 at Mississippi State Sept. 18, 1976 21-30 L Rushing Yards 684 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Yards Per Rush 13.3 at Clemson Nov. 3, 2018 16-77 L Rushing Touchdowns 12 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Pass Attempts 72 Tulane Oct. 28, 2000 35-32 W Pass Completions 43 Tulane Oct. 28, 2000 35-32 W Completion Percentage (Minimum 10 attempts) 100.0 Virginia Tech Oct. 31, 2020 35-42 L (Minimum 25 attempts) 82.4 at Wake Forest Oct. 28, 2017 32-42 L Passing Yards 571 Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 34-68 L Passing Touchdowns 8 Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 34-68 L Total Plays 102 at Wake Forest Oct. 12, 2019 62-59 W Total Yards 801 Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 34-68 L Yards Per Play 12.4 at Kentucky Nov. 30, 2019 13-45 L Third Down Conversion Percentage 87.5 at Clemson Nov. 3, 2018 16-77 L Points in a Game 105 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Points in a Half 71 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Points in First Half 52 at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Points in Second Half 71 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Points in a Quarter 40 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Points in First Quarter 27 at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Points in Second Quarter 36 Penn State Sept. 20, 1997 21-57 L Points in Third Quarter 31 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Points in Fourth Quarter 40 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Points in Overtime 22 at West Virginia Oct. 15, 2005 44-46 (3ot) L Lead at End of First Quarter 27 at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Halftime Lead 52 at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Lead at End of Third Quarter 65 Southern Miss Oct. 3, 1987 6-65 L 65 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Touchdowns 16 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Extra Points Made 11 at Clemson Nov. 3, 2018 16-77 L Extra Points Attempted 16 at Murray State Oct. 8, 1932 0-105 L Two-Point Conversions Made 2 Memphis Oct. 24, 1998 35-32 W 2 Western Kentucky Sept. 10, 1983 41-22 W 2 Cincinnati Sept. 22, 1979 22-19 W 2 at Dayton Oct. 5, 1968 14-28 L 2 at Tulsa Dec. 7, 1963 16-22 L 2 Memphis Nov. 2, 1963 0-25 L 2 at Kent State Nov. 21, 1959 14-16 L 2 at Ohio Nov. 15, 1958 6-23 L Two-Point Conversions Attempted 7 Tulsa Oct. 17, 1964 0-58 L Field Goals Made 6 at Centre Oct. 28, 1922 7-32 L Field Goals Attempted 7 at Centre (6-7) Oct. 28, 1922 7-32 L Penalties 19 Wichita State Oct. 19, 1963 14-47 L Penalty Yards 176 at Cincinnati Nov. 9, 1968 7-37 L Fewest Penalties / Penalty Yards 0 Kentucky Nov. 25, 2023 31-38 L 0 Pittsburgh Nov. 12, 2011 14-21 L 0 Tulane Oct. 17, 2003 47-28 W 0 Western Kentucky Oct. 21, 1961 20-0 W 0 at Dayton Oct. 17, 1953 13-20 L 0 Wayne State Sept. 27, 1952 19-12 W 0 at Depauw Oct. 4, 1947 37-0 W Interception Return Yards 141 at Kentucky Nov. 28, 2015 38-24 W Pass Breakups 15 at Tulsa Oct. 21, 1989 24-31 L Passes Defended 17 at Tulsa Oct. 21, 1989 24-31 L Pass Sacks 11 at Houston Nov. 17, 2016 10-36 L Pass Sack Yardage 100 at Arizona State Sept. 19, 1992 0-19 L Tackles for Loss 16 Boston College Oct. 24, 2015 17-14 W Tackle for Loss Yardage 107 at Arizona State Sept. 19, 1992 0-19 L Quarterback Hurries 13 at Rutgers Nov. 9, 2006 25-28 L Blocked Kicks 3 at Memphis Oct. 16, 1999 32-31 W Non-Offensive Touchdowns Louisville has allowed 2 non-offensive touchdowns on 21 occasions, most recently vs. Alabama on Sept. 1, 2018, in the Camping World Kickoff, Orlando, Fla. (14-51 Loss). Safeties 2 Florida State Oct. 6, 1979 0-27 L Punts 15 at Transylvania Oct. 11, 1929 0-9 L Fewest Punts 0 Kentucky Nov. 24, 2018 10-56 L 0 Georgia Tech Oct. 5, 2018 31-66 L 0 Murray State Sept. 18, 1954 13-33 L Punting Yards 512 Wichita State Oct. 23, 1971 21-5 W Punting Average (Minimum 5 Punts) 51.4 at Tulsa Nov. 27, 1969 35-29 W (Minimum 10 Punts) 44.5 at Syracuse Sept. 9, 2016 62-28 W Punt Returns 9 at Drake Sept. 25, 1971 7-10 L Punt Return Yards 171 Miami, Fla. Oct. 8, 1949 0-26 L Punt Return Average (Minimum 2 Returns) 61.0 at Cincinnati Nov. 8, 1997 9-28 L (Minimum 5 Returns) 19.6 North Texas Oct. 3, 1964 0-22 L Kickoff Returns 11 at Syracuse Sept. 9, 2016 62-28 W 11 Drake Oct. 15, 1966 66-26 W Kickoff Return Yards 1. 266 Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45 W GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 130 GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 131 Rushing attempts: 51 Gary Kosins at Dayton Oct. 3, 1970 11-28 L Rushing Yards: 284 Lynn Bowden at Kentucky Nov. 30, 2019 13-45 L 284 Kenneth Strong at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Rushing Touchdowns: 6 Kenneth Strong at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Longest Run: 93 Ron Mollric at Kent State Nov. 9, 1963 7-26 L Pass attempts: 62 Dusty Bonner at Kentucky Sept. 4, 1999 56-28 W Pass Completions: 40 Brennan Armstrong Virginia Oct. 9, 2021 33-34 L Completion Percentage: 100.0 Hendon Hooker Virginia Tech Oct. 31, 2020 35-42 L Passing Yards: 498 Tim Couch Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 34-68 L Passing Touchdowns: 7 Mike Teel at Rutgers Dec. 4, 2008 14-63 L 7 Tim Couch Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 68-34 L 7 Jerry Rhome Tulsa Oct. 17, 1964 0-58 L Interceptions Thrown: 6 Vidal Carlin North Texas Oct. 1, 1966 19-20 L Longest Completion: 95 Greg Cook to Tom Rossley at Cincinnati Nov. 9, 1968 7-37 L Receptions: 15 Howard Twilley at Tulsa Nov. 6, 1965 18-51 L Receiving Yards: 254 Tom Rossley at Cincinnati Nov. 9, 1968 7-37 L Receiving Touchdowns: 5 Howard Twilley at Tulsa Nov. 6, 1965 18-51 L Total Plays: 74 Dusty Bonner at Kentucky Sept. 4, 1999 56-28 W Total Yards: 498 Tim Couch Kentucky Sept. 5, 1998 34-68 L Touchdowns Responsible For: 9 Jerry Rhome Tulsa Oct. 18, 1964 58-0 L Punts: 14 John Schaffler at Vanderbilt Sept. 18, 1971 0-0 T Punting Yards: 512 Bob Renner Wichita State Oct. 23, 1971 21-5 W Punting Average: 55.3 Jimmy McClary Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45 W Longest Punt: 90 Sean Fleming at Wyoming Sept. 2, 1989 28-21 W Punt Returns: 8 Adam Humphries at Clemson Oct. 11, 2014 17-23 L 8 Brian Fisher at South Florida Oct. 4, 2003 28-31 (2OT) L Punt Return Yards: 122 Tinker Keck at Cincinnati Nov. 8, 1997 9-28 L Longest Punt Return: 94 Keith Wright at Memphis Oct. 18, 1975 7-41 L Kickoff Returns: 9 Scott Wesley at Army Sept. 11, 2004 52-21 W Kickoff Return Yards: 227 Matt Brown Temple Nov. 3, 2012 45-17 W Longest Kickoff Return: 100 Barion Brown Kentucky Nov. 25, 2023 100 Brandon Wilson Houston Sept. 12, 2015 31-34 L 100 Andre Debose Florida Jan. 2, 2013 33-23 W 100 Lindsey Lamar South Florida Nov. 13, 2010 21-24 (OT) L 100 Derrick Locke at Kentucky Sept. 19, 2009 27-31 L 100 Keenan Burton Kentucky Sept. 3, 2006 59-28 W 100 Ricky Wilson Houston Nov. 22, 2003 66-45 W 100 Eddie Godfrey Western Kentucky Oct. 27, 1990 41-7 W Touchdowns Scored: 6 Steve Slaton at West Virginia Oct. 15, 2005 44-46 (3OT) L 6 Kenneth Strong at Chattanooga Oct. 20, 1928 0-70 L Extra Points: 9 Wesley Wells Georgia Tech Oct. 5, 2018 31-66 L 9 San San Te at Rutgers Dec. 4, 2008 14-63 L 9 Eric Schubert at Pittsburgh Oct. 30, 1982 14-63 L 9 Pete Weeks at Memphis Nov. 22, 1969 19-69 L Field Goals: 6 Herb Covington at Centre Oct. 28, 1922 7-32 L Passes Intercepted: 3 Mark McLaurin Mississippi State Dec. 30, 2017 27-31 L Interception Return Yards: 100 Kevin Monroe at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45 W 100 Reggie Phillips Southern Methodist Sept. 15, 1984 7-41 L 100 Ray Martin at Tennessee Oct. 24, 1953 6-59 L Longest Interception Return: 100 Kevin Monroe at East Carolina Nov. 14, 1998 63-45 W 100 Reggie Phillips Southern Methodist Sept. 15, 1984 7-41 L 100 Ray Martin at Tennessee Oct. 24, 1953 6-59 L Longest Fumble Return: 88 Ryan Kent at Army Sept. 21, 2002 45-14 WYear Opponent W-L Site PL Rush Pass Total 2016 Syracuse W A 81 414 431 845 2003 Houston W H 83 445 334 779 1998 East Carolina W A 92 154 615 769 1998 Cincinnati W H 74 282 460 742 1966 Drake W H 77 307 423 730 2007 Middle Tennessee W H 92 328 401 729 2017 Syracuse W H 72 411 316 727 2017 North Carolina W A 83 312 393 705 2023 Murray State W H 78 344 346 690 2016 Marshall W A 85 273 417 690 2021 Duke W A 62 384 303 687 1998 Western Kentucky W H 79 198 489 687 2017 Murray State W H 91 312 364 676 2006 Temple W A 78 312 359 671 2004 Houston W A 69 242 424 666 2019 Boston College W H 78 236 428 664 2016 Charlotte W H 70 272 391 663 2007 Murray State W H 64 261 394 655 2006 Kentucky W H 87 363 268 631 2007 Syracuse L H 93 73 555 628 2017 Boston College L H 75 293 332 625 2003 Army W H 69 208 411 619 2013 Ohio W H 71 199 416 615 1998 Memphis W H 79 107 506 613 2019 Syracuse W H 61 370 238 608 2005 Florida Atlantic W H 65 326 282 608 2014 Murray State W H 88 325 278 603 2004 Memphis W A 82 278 321 599 2004 Texas Christian W H 75 213 374 587 2023 Boston College W H 62 194 388 582 2003 Texas Christian L A 82 121 459 580 1989 Western Kentucky W H 91 267 313 580 2015 Syracuse W H 67 217 362 579 1999 Illinois L H 88 128 450 578 2008 Kansas State W H 88 303 274 577 2010 Arkansas State W A 83 267 308 575 2010 Memphis W H 56 299 275 574 2001 Tulane W A 74 328 245 573 2004 Army W A 88 230 342 572 1990 Alabama W N 78 113 458 571 2006 Connecticut W H 73 221 349 570 2020 Florida State W H 61 291 278 569 2016 Clemson L A 99 273 295 568 1976 Drake W H 77 469 99 568 2004 Boise State W N 81 329 235 564 2017 Kentucky W A 64 346 216 562 2015 Samford W H 74 288 274 562 2016 Kentucky L H 71 280 281 561 1998 Tulane L A 88 83 477 560 1993 Texas W H 83 254 306 560 2002 East Carolina W H 77 204 352 556 2013 Miami, Fla. W N 76 107 447 554 2016 North Carolina State W H 80 163 390 553 2005 Oregon State W H 50 125 428 553 2004 East Carolina W H 69 215 334 549 1970 Wichita State W A 77 381 168 549 2020 Virginia Tech L H 65 198 350 548 2005 Cincinnati W A 59 244 303 547 1987 Akron W H 88 176 367 543 2022 South Florida W H 76 283 259 542 2019 Eastern Kentucky W H 58 322 220 542 2017 Kent State W H 57 165 374 539 Year Opponent W-L Site PL Rush Pass Total 1992 Tulsa W H 74 221 315 536 1965 Dayton W H 83 166 369 535 2015 Texas A&M W N 72 307 227 534 1978 South Dakota State W H 77 472 62 534 2018 Wake Forest L H 90 174 358 532 1999 Kentucky W A 74 195 337 532 2016 Florida State W H 66 314 216 530 2006 Middle Tennessee W N 63 186 340 526 2003 Cincinnati W A 62 315 211 526 2013 Temple W A 70 177 348 525 2017 Purdue W N 79 146 378 524 2012 Cincinnati W H 78 108 416 524 1996 Northern Illinois W H 93 344 180 524 1989 Kansas W A 89 281 243 524 2017 Wake Forest L A 88 191 332 523 2004 Tulane W A 80 216 306 522 1995 North Texas W H 73 234 288 522 1986 Western Kentucky W H 77 225 296 521 2019 Wake Forest W A 69 225 295 520 1999 Chattanooga W H 69 275 245 520 1990 Murray State W H 72 152 367 519 2021 Wake Forest L A 70 208 309 517 2004 South Florida W H 80 172 345 517 2020 Miami, Fla. L H 85 209 307 516 2016 Boston College W A 65 210 305 515 1988 North Carolina W A 88 189 323 512 2019 Mississippi State W N 69 198 312 510 2016 Virginia W A 75 147 361 508 2012 Temple W H 65 170 338 508 2008 Connecticut L H 71 261 247 508 2004 Miami, Fla. L A 77 214 293 507 1998 Boston College W H 88 132 375 507 1982 Richmond W H 86 203 304 507 1957 Morehead State W H 0 475 32 507 1978 Wichita State W A 77 371 135 506 2005 Syracuse W H 69 220 285 505 1993 Southern Miss W H 78 201 304 505 2021 Virginia L H 62 233 270 503 2021 Central Florida W H 76 191 310 501 1998 Kentucky L H 76 133 368 501 2005 Rutgers W H 74 161 339 500 2003 Tulane W H 70 288 212 500 GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 132 MALIK CUNNINGHAMAll Plays Yds Player Pos. TD Play Opponent Date 100 Jawar Jordan RB Y KR Air Force 2021 100 Hassan Hall RB Y KR Wake Forest 2019 100 Traveon Samuel WR Y KR Clemson 2015 100 Adrian Bushell CB Y KR Connecticut 2011 100 Trent Guy WR Y KR Kentucky 2007 100 JaJuan Spillman WR Y KR Rutgers 2006 100 Broderick Clark WR Y KR Kentucky 2002 100 Mike Blakey S Y KR Drake 1968 100 George Cain HB Y KR EKU 1954 100 Tom Lucia HB Y KR Washington (MO) 1947 99 Andy Williams HB Y KR Tulsa 1966 Rushing Yds Player Pos. TD Opponent Date 93 Ken Porco FB Y Eastern Kentucky 1958 91 Howard Stevens TB Y Southern Illinois 1971 90 Javian Hawkins RB Y Virginia Tech 2020 89 George Stripling RB Y Syracuse 2005 89 Addison Kincaid HB Y Transylvania 1931 88 Victor Anderson RB Y Middle Tennessee 2008 88 Lionel Gates RB N Miami, Ohio 2003 88 Tom Lucia HB Y Saint Joseph’s, Ind. 1949 85 Bilal Powell RB Y Cincinnati 2010 85 Bill Layne HB Y Evansville 1954 85 Tom Lucia HB Y DePauw 1947 Receiving Yds Receiver Passer TD Opponent Date 95 Ahmari Huggins-Bruce Malik Cunningham N Eastern Kentucky 2021 94 Gene Sartini Bill Karns Y Washington & Lee 1950 93 Babe Ray Johnny Unitas Y Houston 1951 92 Tyler Harrell Malik Cunningham Y Virginia 2021 92 Scott Long Adam Froman Y Southern Miss 2009 90 Tutu Atwell Malik Cunningham Y Syracuse 2019 86 Arnold Jackson Chris Redman Y Utah 1997 86 Clarence Spencer Benny Russell Y East Carolina 1965 85 Jamari Thrash Jake Plummer Y Indiana 2023 85 Larry Hart John Madeya Y North Texas 1970 83 Ernest Givins Ed Rubbert Y Southern Methodist 1984 82 Zek Parker Dave Ragone Y Kentucky 2001 82 Dez Fitzpatrick Malik Cunningham Y Boston College 2020 Field Goals Yds Player Opponent Date 53 Brock Travelstead NC State 2023 52 Chris Philpott Rutgers 2011 52 Nate Smith Alabama-Birmingham 2002 52 Klaus Wilmsmeyer Virginia 1989 52 Ron Bell Virginia Tech 1988 52 Wilbur Summers Chattanooga 1975 51 John Wallace Syracuse 2014 51 Chris Philpott Cincinnati 2011 51 Art Carmody Temple 2006 51 Wade Tydlacka Connecticut 2000 51 Jon Hilbert Alabama-Birmingham 1999 51 David Akers Texas A&M 1994 51 Klaus Wilmsmeyer Florida State 1991 51 Klaus Wilmsmeyer Pittsburgh 1990 Punts Yds Player Pos. Opponent Date 89 Cookie Brinkman OE Tulsa 1968 84 Klaus Wilmsmeyer P/PK West Virginia 1990 78 Cory Goettsche P Rutgers 2008 78 Brandon Brookfield P Texas A&M 1992 76 Jeremy Borseth P Southern Miss 1996 73 Mark Vassett P Florida State 2021 73 Chris Philpott K West Virginia 2010 72 Dave Betz K Indiana State 1979 68 Mark Vassett P Clemson 2022 68 Brandon Brookfiel P Wyoming 1992 68 Kirk Kennedy K West Virginia 1985 67 Chris Philpott K Marshall 2011 67 Klaus Wilmsmeyer P/K Memphis 1990 67 Wilbur Summers KSP Mississippi State 1975 Kickoff Returns Yds Player TD Opponent Date 100 Jawhar Jordan Y Air Force 2021 100 Hassan Hall Y Wake Forest 2019 100 Traveon Samuel Y Clemson 2015 100 Adrian Bushell Y Connecticut 2011 100 Trent Guy Y Kentucky 2007 100 JuJuan Spillman Y Rutgers 2006 100 Broderick Clark Y Kentucky 2002 100 Mike Blakey Y Drake 1968 100 George Cain Y Eastern Kentucky 1954 100 Tom Lucia Y Washington, Mo. 1947 99 Andy Williams Y Tulsa 1966 Punt Returns Yds Player TD Opponent Date 96 Greg Campbell Y Memphis 1970 91 Bill McMahon Y North Texas 1965 89 Howard Stevens Y Tampa 1972 88 Frank Minnifield Y Temple 1982 88 Don Shelton Y Akron 1949 87 Tom Lucia Y Saint Joseph’s, Ind. 1949 85 Arnold Jackson Y Illinois 1997 83 Keith Humphries Y Marshall 1981 81 Damien Dorsey Y Army 2002 81 Bill Karns Y North Carolina State 1951 75 Tom Lucia Y Washington, Mo. 1948 Interception Returns Yds Player TD Opponent Date 95 Don Harold Y Cincinnati 1975 95 Larry Ball Y Marshall 1969 90 Quincy Riley Y Wake Forest 2022 85 Ken Day Y Washington, Mo. 1948 79 Anthony Bridges Y Arizona State 1993 79 Dan Bednarski Y North Texas 1966 77 Anthony Bridges Y Pittsburgh 1992 74 Michael Brown Y Chattanooga 1999 74 Cleo Walker Y Tulsa 1969 72 Dick Rager N Akron 1948 70 Charles Gaines Y South Florida 2013 70 Pat Barbato Y Eastern Kentucky 1957 Fumble Returns Yds Player TD Opponent Date 87 Devon Thomas Y New Mexico State 2001 85 A.J. Jacobs Y Wichita State 1974 81 Michael Brown Y New Mexico State 2001 74 Jordon Paschal N Missouri State 2012 70 Rashad Holman Y Memphis 1997 63 William Blackford Y Southern Miss 1991 59 Kei’Trel Clark Y Pittsburgh 2022 50 T.T. Manzer Y Transylvania 1912 56 Montavious Stanley N Colorado State 2002 48 Preston Brown Y Memphis 2013 48 Rico Clark Y Kentucky 1996 46 Sheldon Rankins Y Boston College 2015 42 Deon Palmer Y North Carolina 2005 Blocked Kick Returns Yds Player TD Kick Opponent Date 82 Andrew Johnson Y FG West Virginia 2011 60 Brandon Heath Y FG Memphis 2008 50 Mike Minogue Y FG Army 1983 47 Robert Gibson Y FG Tulane 1988 30 Anthony Floyd N FG Grambling 2000 29 Billy Perrin Y Punt Indiana State 1979 27 Brandon Johnson Y Punt Duke 2002 24 Zarko Ellis Y Punt Wichita State 1977 22 James Green N Punt Florida State 2002 21 William Blackford N FG Tulsa 1990 Longest Plays Against Yds Player Play Team Date 100 Brandon Wilson KO Return Houston 2015 100 Andre Debose KO Return Florida 2013 100 Lindsey Lamar KO Return South Florida 2010 100 Derrick Locke KO Return Kentucky 2009 100 Keenan Burton KO Return Kentucky 2006 100 Ricky Wilson KO Return Houston 2003 100 Kevin Monroe INT Return East Carolina 1998 100 Eddie Godfrey KO Return Western Kentucky 1990 100 Reggie Phillips INT Return Southern Methodist 1984 100 Ray Martin INT Return Tennessee 1953 GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 133 GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 134 n OFFENSE Total Offense Plays: ...............................................................................961 - 2016 Yards: ...........................................................................7,084 - 2017 Yards Per Play: ................................................................7.39 - 2017 Yards Per Game: ...........................................................559.6 - 1998 Offensive Touchdowns: ......................................................74 - 2004 Rushing Attempts: .........................................................................685 - 1977 Yards: ...........................................................................3,186 - 2017 Yards Per Rush: ...............................................................6.44 - 2017 Yards Per Game: ...........................................................298.9 - 1957 Touchdowns: .....................................................................47 - 2004 Passing Attempts: .........................................................................515 - 1998 Completions: ...................................................................338 - 1998 Yards: ...........................................................................4,498 - 1998 Yards Per Attempt:.........................................................10.09 - 2019 Yards Per Game: ...........................................................408.9 - 1998 Touchdowns: ........................................................33 - 1998 & 2013 Interceptions Thrown: ........................................................39 - 1984 Scoring Points: .............................................................................597 - 2004 Points Per Game: ............................................................49.8 - 2004 Touchdowns: .....................................................................80 - 2004 Extra Points: .......................................................................77 - 2004 Field Goals: .......................................................................21 - 2006 First Downs Total: ...............................................................................352 - 2017 Rushing: ..........................................................................157 - 2017 Passing: ...........................................................................199 - 1998 First Downs Per Game: ...................................................28.3 - 1998 Fumbles Fumbles: ...........................................................................45 - 1977 Fewest Fumbles: ................................................................11 - 2013 Fumbles Lost: ....................................................................23 - 1955 Fewest Fumbles Lost: ..............................................5 - 1969 & 2012 Turnovers Total: .................................................................................53 - 1984 Penalties Penalties: .........................................................................134 - 2002 Fewest Penalties: ...............................................................30 - 1961 Yards: ...........................................................................1,192 - 2002 Fewest Yards: ...................................................................299 - 1961 Fewest Yards per Game: ..................................................33.2 - 1961 n DEFENSE Total Defense Fewest Plays Per Game Allowed: ....................................52.3 - 1962 Fewest Yards Allowed: ..................................................1,554 - 1960 Fewest Yards Allowed Per Play: .......................................3.22 - 1971 Fewest Yards Per Game Allowed: ..................................172.7 - 1960 Fewest Offensive Touchdowns Allowed: ..............................0 - 1925 Fewest First Downs Allowed: ................................92 - 1958 & 1960 Rushing Defense Fewest Attempts Per Game Allowed: ..............................29.9 - 2023 Fewest Yards Allowed: .....................................................846 - 1960 Fewest Yards Per Rush Allowed: ......................................2.04 - 1996 Fewest Yards Per Game Allowed: ....................................79.9 - 2000 Fewest Touchdowns Allowed: ..............................................0 - 1925 Passing Defense Fewest Attempts Per Game Allowed: ..............................12.5 - 1958 Fewest Completions Per Game Allowed: ..........................4.4 - 1948 Fewest Yards Allowed: .....................................................502 - 1955 Fewest Yards Per Attempt Allowed: .................................4.08 - 1955 Fewest Yards Per Game Allowed: ....................................55.8 - 1955 Fewest Touchdowns Allowed: .................................0 - 1925 & 1955 Sacks: ...................................................................50 - 2000 & 2022 Tackles for Loss: ..............................................................109 - 2002 Interceptions Passes Intercepted: ............................................................28 - 1966 Yards Returned: ...............................................................368 - 1993 Yards Per Return: ............................................................25.3 - 1999 Touchdowns: ..................3 - 1913, 1966, 1970, 1993, 1999 & 2000 Scoring Defense Fewest Points Allowed: ........................................................2 - 1925 Fewest Points Per Game Allowed: .....................................0.3 - 1925 Most Shutouts: ....................................................................7 - 1925 Fewest Touchdowns Allowed: ..............................................0 - 1925 Blocked Kicks Total: .................................................................................11 - 2002 Consecutive Games: ............................................................8 - 2002 n SPECIAL TEAMS Punts Punts: ................................................................................89 - 1981 Fewest Punts: .....................................................................27 - 1955 Yards: ...........................................................................3,579 - 1981 Yards Per Punt: ................................................................44.1 - 2022 Punt Returns Returns: .............................................................................55 - 1967 Yards: ..............................................................................716 - 2002 Yards Per Return: ............................................................15.2 - 2018 Kickoff Returns Returns: .............................................................................67 - 2007 Fewest Returns: .................................................................21 - 1956 Yards: ...........................................................................1,481 - 2007 Yards Per Return: ............................................................27.4 - 2019 STEFAN LEFORSTotal Plays 1. 961 2016 2. 959 2017 3. 941 2023 4. 939 2014 5. 918 2012 6. 913 2003 7. 909 2007 8. 904 2002 9. 900 2015 10. 894 2013 Total Yards 1. 7,084 2017 2. 6,925 2016 3. 6,468 2004 4. 6,355 2003 5. 6,179 2006 6. 6,156 1998 7. 5,991 2013 8. 5,856 2007 9. 5,815 2019 10. 5,812 2023 Yards Per Play 1. 7.39 2017 2. 7.24 2004 3. 7.21 2016 4. 7.13 2006 5. 6.97 1998 6. 6.96 2003 7. 6.82 2005 8. 6.70 2013 9. 6.6843 2021 10. 6.6839 2019 Yards Per Game 1. 559.6 1998 2. 544.9 2017 3. 539.0 2004 4. 532.7 2016 5. 488.8 2003 6. 488.0 2007 7. 482.1 2005 8. 475.3 2006 9. 466.9 1999 10. 460.8 2013 Offensive TD 1. 74 2004 2. 69 2016 3. 65 2005 4. 62 2017 62 1998 6. 57 2006 7. 55 2019 55 2003 9. 53 2023 10. 52 2007 Rushing Attempts 1. 685 1977 2. 568 2019 3. 567 1949 4. 564 1970 5. 560 1978 6. 534 2004 7. 533 2023 533 1979 9. 531 1975 10. 525 2016 Rushing Yards 1. 3,186 2017 2. 3,148 2016 3. 3,005 2004 4. 2,966 2003 5. 2,923 1977 6. 2,767 2019 7. 2,728 2021 8. 2,690 1957 9. 2,613 2022 10. 2,572 1978 Rushing Yards Per Game 1. 298.9 1957 2. 250.4 2004 3. 248.2 1955 4. 245.1 2017 5. 243.6 1977 6. 242.2 2016 7. 233.8 1978 8. 231.1 1969 231.1 1950 10. 230.6 1949 Yards Per Rush 1. 6.44 2017 2. 6.00 2016 3. 5.93 1957 4. 5.73 2003 5. 5.63 2004 6. 5.41 2021 7. 5.24 2020 8. 5.23 1955 9. 5.03 2022 10. 4.99 2006 Rush Td 1. 47 2004 2. 41 2005 3. 37 2016 37 1949 5. 35 2006 35 2003 35 1957 8. 33 2017 9. 31 2023 10. 29 2021 29 1998 Pass Attempts 1. 515 1998 2. 501 1999 3. 491 2007 4. 473 1997 5. 464 2017 6. 456 2012 7. 451 2002 8. 439 2013 9. 436 2016 10. 428 2014 428 1984 Completions 1. 338 1998 2. 322 1999 3. 316 2007 4. 311 2013 5. 307 2012 6. 277 2017 7. 276 1997 8. 266 2023 9. 256 2004 10. 248 2016 Passing Yards 1. 4,498 1998 2. 4,103 2007 3. 4,082 2013 4. 3,898 2017 5. 3,849 2012 6. 3,777 2016 7. 3,770 2006 8. 3,687 1999 9. 3,523 2005 10. 3,463 2004 Passing Yards Per Game 1. 408.9 1998 2. 341.9 2007 3. 335.2 1999 4. 314.0 2013 5. 299.8 2017 6. 298.4 1997 7. 296.1 2012 8. 293.6 2005 9. 290.5 2016 10. 290.0 2006 Passing TD 1. 33 2013 33 1998 3. 32 2019 32 2016 5. 30 2007 6. 29 2017 29 1999 8. 27 2012 27 2004 27 2000 Yards Per Pass Attempt 1. 10.09 2019 2. 9.89 1956 3. 9.82 2006 4. 9.65 2004 5. 9.37 2005 6. 9.30 2013 7. 9.22 1955 8. 8.73 1998 9. 8.66 2016 10. 8.58 2003 Interceptions 1. 39 1984 2. 31 1968 3. 26 1987 4. 23 1991 5. 21 1972 21 1967 21 1964 8. 20 1965 9. 19 1994 19 1988 19 1985 19 1969 Points 1. 597 2004 2. 553 2016 3. 521 2005 4. 495 2017 5. 491 2006 6. 457 2013 7. 450 2003 8. 444 1998 9. 430 2023 430 2019 Points Per Game 1. 49.8 2004 2. 43.4 2005 3. 42.5 2016 4. 41.8 1913 5. 40.4 1998 6. 38.1 2017 7. 37.8 2006 8. 37.5 1999 9. 35.3 2000 10. 35.2 2007 Touchdowns 1. 80 2004 2. 71 2016 3. 69 2005 4. 64 2017 5. 62 1998 6. 61 2006 7. 58 2019 58 2003 9. 57 2013 10. 55 2007 Extra Points Made 1. 77 2004 2. 68 2016 3. 63 2005 4. 60 2006 5. 58 2017 6. 55 2019 55 2013 8. 53 2007 9. 51 2021 51 1998 Field Goals Made 1. 21 2006 2. 20 2022 20 2013 4. 19 2016 5. 18 2023 18 2012 7. 17 2017 17 1989 9. 15 2023 15 2015 15 2014 Punts 1. 89 1981 2. 87 1970 3. 83 2002 83 1973 5. 81 1976 81 1974 7. 80 1971 8. 78 1980 78 1979 10. 75 1983 Punting Average 1. 44.1 2022 2. 43.9 2016 3. 43.5 2017 4. 43.0 1975 5. 42.4 1973 6. 42.3 1990 7. 42.2 2019 8. 41.5 1994 9. 41.4 1965 10. 40.9 2021 Punt Returns 1. 55 1967 2. 54 2002 3. 47 2004 47 1996 5. 41 1968 6. 40 1990 7. 39 2006 39 2005 39 2000 39 1970 Punt Return Avg. 1. 15.2 2018 2. 13.3 2002 3. 12.6 2010 4. 12.50 1990 5. 12.48 1965 6. 12.2 1972 7. 12.05 1968 8. 12.00 2001 9. 11.7 2019 10. 11.6 1970 Kickoff Returns 1. 67 2007 2. 57 1987 57 1984 4. 54 2003 5. 53 1991 6. 52 2008 7. 51 2002 51 1998 9. 49 2009 49 1986 49 1985 49 1964 Kickoff Return Average 1. 27.4 2019 2. 26.9 1973 3. 26.1 2000 4. 25.7 1968 5. 25.5 2010 6. 24.7 2022 7. 24.1 2009 8. 23.61 2021 9. 23.59 2011 10. 23.3 1999 First Downs 1. 352 2017 2. 325 2016 3. 323 2004 4. 311 1998 5. 309 2007 6. 304 2013 7. 297 2012 8. 296 2006 9. 295 2003 10. 292 2023 Penalties 1. 134 2002 2. 128 2000 3. 115 1999 4. 107 1998 107 1993 6. 105 2001 7. 103 2010 8. 101 2018 101 2016 10. 98 2003 Penalty Yards 1. 1,192 2002 2. 1,118 2000 3. 1,024 1999 4. 1,016 1993 5. 969 1998 6. 919 2016 7. 905 2001 8. 892 1969 9. 861 2018 10. 853 2022 Turnovers 1. 53 1984 2. 45 1968 3. 41 1985 4. 38 1979 5. 37 1987 6. 35 1996 35 1991 8. 34 1988 34 1981 34 1965 Defense Fewest Plays Per Game Allowed 1. 52.3 1962 2. 53.6 1960 3. 56.2 1961 4. 57.0 1955 5. 57.5 1959 6. 59.60 1948 7. 59.64 2023 8. 59.8 1949 9. 59.9 2013 10. 60.0 1954 Fewest Yards Allowed 1. 1,554 1960 2. 1,761 1955 3. 1,835 1961 4. 1,960 1958 5. 2,026 1972 6. 2,130 1971 7. 2,141 1957 8. 2,265 1959 9. 2,332 1954 10. 2,340 1949 Total Yards Allowed 1. 5,802 2018 2. 5,721 2019 3. 5,572 2003 4. 5,541 1985 5. 5,287 1998 6. 5,243 2021 7. 5,045 2017 8. 4,998 2007 9. 4,724 1987 10. 4,650 1997 Fewest Total Yards Per Game Allowed 1. 172.7 1960 2. 195.7 1955 3. 202.6 1972 4. 203.9 1961 5. 212.7 1949 6. 213.0 1971 7. 226.5 1959 8. 235.8 1996 9. 237.9 1957 10. 240.9 1967 Total Yards Per Game Allowed 1. 503.7 1985 2. 483.5 2018 3. 480.6 1998 4. 440.1 2019 5. 429.5 1987 6. 428.6 2003 7. 422.7 1997 8. 416.5 2007 9. 407.7 1983 10. 403.7 1975 Fewest Yards Per Play Allowed 1. 2.94 1972 2. 3.222 1971 3. 3.224 1960 4. 3.39 1996 5. 3.43 1955 6. 3.47 1967 7. 3.56 1949 8. 3.63 1961 9. 3.75 1970 10. 3.85 1981 Yards Per Play Allowed 1. 6.88 2018 2. 6.44 1998 3. 6.41 1985 4. 6.34 2019 5. 6.31 1953 6. 6.13 2007 7. 5.88 2008 8. 5.81 2021 9. 5.80 2009 10. 5.78 2020 Fewest Offensive Touchdowns Allowed 1. 0 1925 2. 8 1972 8 1960 4. 10 1971 5. 12 1957 6. 13 1990 13 1961 8. 14 1958 9. 15 1973 10. 17 1995 17 1959 17 1956 Fewest Rushing Yards Allowed 1. 846 1960 2. 879 2000 3. 892 1996 4. 911 1972 5. 1,049 2013 6. 1,073 1967 7. 1,098 1989 8. 1,109 1961 9. 1,161 1957 10. 1,173 1968 Fewest Rushing Yards Per Game Allowed 1. 79.9 2000 2. 80.7 2013 3. 81.1 1996 4. 83.1 1972 5. 94.0 1960 6. 99.79 2023 7. 99.82 1989 8. 100.5 2011 9. 104.8 2006 10. 107.3 1967 Fewest Yards Per Rush Allowed 1. 1.93 1972 2. 2.04 1996 3. 2.23 2000 4. 2.41 1967 5. 2.52 1968 6. 2.55 1960 7. 2.58 2013 8. 2.64 1989 9. 2.65 1990 10. 2.70 1980 Fewest Points Per Game Allowed 1. 0.3 1925 2. 3.3 1913 3. 3.8 1939 4. 5.8 1921 5. 6.4 1926 6. 7.8 1946 7. 7.9 1947 8. 8.6 1960 9. 9.0 1923 10. 9.1 1972 Interceptions 1. 28 1966 2. 27 2000 3. 26 2014 4. 25 1978 5. 24 1995 6. 22 1968 7. 21 1993 21 1977 21 1960 10. 20 1992 20 1971 Fumbles Gained 1. 26 1977 2. 24 1974 24 1970 24 1955 5. 23 1976 23 1973 7. 22 1979 8. 20 1985 20 1972 20 1964 Turnovers Gained 1. 47 1977 2. 44 1978 3. 41 1995 41 1970 5. 39 1974 39 1973 7. 38 2000 38 1980 9. 36 1979 36 1966 Blocked Kicks 1. 11 2002 2. 7 1990 7 1953 4. 5 2003 5 1979 6. 4 2011 4 2004 4 1988 4 1971 10. 3 2005 3 1994 3 1993 3 1992 3 1991 3 1989 3 1986 3 1983 Pass Sacks 1. 50 2022 50 2000 3. 44 2006 44 2005 44 1996 6. 43 2013 7. 41 2014 41 2001 9. 39 2010 10. 38 2015 38 1990 GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 135 OffenseHomecoming Games (61-36) Date Opp. Res. Score 10/27/23 Rose Poly W 13-0 11/22/24 Chattanooga W 10-0 10/24/25 Kentucky Wesleyan W 6-0 10/30/26 Centre L 0-6 11/19/27 Davis & Elkins L 0-32 11/24/28 Marshall L 0-13 11/9/29 Centre L 0-41 11/22/30 Earlham W 13-0 11/7/31 DePaul L 0-46 11/12/32 Georgetown L 0-20 10/21/33 WKU L 0-45 11/3/34 Centre L 0-46 10/26/35 Eastern Kentucky L 0-9 10/30/36 Georgetown, Ky. W 12-8 11/11/37 Centre L 7-20 10/22/38 Georgetown, Ky. L 0-6 11/18/39 Hanover W 20-0 10/18/40 Centre L 0-28 11/15/41 Vanderbilt L 0-68 11/16/46 Union, Tenn. W 25-0 11/22/47 Washington, Mo. W 33-20 10/30/48 Buffalo L 19-48 11/12/49 Washington, Mo. W 35-12 10/28/50 Duquesne L 20-27 11/17/51 Washington & Lee W 14-7 11/15/52 Eastern Kentucky W 34-20 11/14/53 Eastern Kentucky L 13-20 11/6/54 Morehead State W 24-0 11/19/55 Toledo W 33-13 11/3/56 Dayton L 6-7 11/16/ 57 Ohio W 40-7 11/8/58 Kent State W 21-0 11/14/59 Ohio L 15-22 11/5/60 Xavier L 0-29 10/21/61 Western Kentucky W 20-0 11/10/62 Kent State W 29-8 11/2/63 Memphis L 0-25 11/7/64 Kent State L 7-14 10/23/65 Marshall W 23-7 11/5/66 Kent State W 23-20 10/28/67 Wichita State W 24-17 11/2/68 Kent State W 23-9 11/8/69 Cincinnati L 21-31 11/7/70 Memphis W 40-27 10/23/71 Wichita State W 21-5 10/14/72 North Texas W 56-6 10/13/73 North Texas L 6-7 10/19/74 Drake L 35-38 10/11/75 Chattanooga W 6-3 10/30/76 Tulsa L 10-20 10/8/77 Tulsa W 33-0 10/28/78 William & Mary W 33-21 10/13/79 Tulsa W 24-7 10/18/80 Indiana State W 27-17 10/17/81 Tennessee State L 30-42 10/16/82 Richmond W 35-0 11/5/83 Southern Miss L 3-27 10/13/84 Indiana State L 21-44 11/2/85 Central Florida W 42-21 11/1/86 Rutgers L 0-41 10/24/87 Akron W 31-10 10/8/88 Tulsa W 9-3 10/14/89 Southern Miss L 10-16 10/13/90 Memphis W 19-17 10/5/91 Cincinnati L 7-30 10/10/92 Virginia Tech W 21-17 10/23/93 Navy W 28-0 10/8/94 NC State W 35-14 10/28/95 Maryland W 31-0 10/19/96 Northern Illinois W 27-3 10/25/97 Houston L 22-36 10/24/98 Memphis W 35-32 10/2/99 Eastern Michigan W 45-10 10/14/00 Cincinnati W 38-24 11/10/01 Houston W 34-10 10/19/02 Texas Christian L 31-45 10/11/03 Army W 34-10 10/2/04 East Carolina W 59-7 10/1/05 Florida Atlantic W 61-10 11/2/06 West Virginia W 44-34 10/27/07 Pittsburgh W 24-17 10/18/08 Middle Tennessee W 42-23 10/10/09 Southern Miss W 25-23 10/9/10 Memphis W 56-0 10/29/11 Syracuse W 27-10 10/20/12 South Florida W 27-25 10/18/13 Central Florida L 35-38 10/18/14 NC State W 30-18 10/24/15 Boston College W 17-14 10/22/16 NC State W 54-13 10/14/17 Boston College L 42-45 10/27/18 Wake Forest L 35-56 10/26/19 Virginia W 28-21 10/24/20 Florida State W 48-16 10/23/21 Boston College W 28-14 10/22/22 Pittsburgh W 24-10 10/28/23 Duke W 23-0 Blackout Games (7-7) Date Opp. Res. Score 11/2/06 West Virginia W 44-34 11/29/07 Rutgers W 41-38 11/22/08 West Virginia L 21-35 10/2/09 Pittsburgh L 10-35 9/1/14 Miami, Fla. W 31-13 9/17/15 Clemson L 17-20 10/14/16 Duke W 24-14 9/16/17 Clemson L 21-47 10/5/18 Georgia Tech L 31-66 9/2/19 Notre Dame L 17-35 10/31/20 Virginia Tech L 35-42 11/13/21 Syracuse W 41-3 10/29/22 Wake Forest W 48-21 9/7/23 Murray State W 56-0 Home Openers (69-33-3) Date Opp. Res. Score 10/17/12 Centre W 23-6 10/4/13 Bethel, Ky. W 48-0 10/17/14 Tennessee L 0-66 10/2/15 Centre T 0-0 10/14/16 Centre T 0-0 10/22/21 Hanover W 19-8 9/30/22 Western Kentucky L 0-6 10/13/23 Morris Harvey W 27-0 10/11/24 Western Kentucky W 12-7 10/3/25 Evansville W 20-0 10/9/26 Rose Poly W 49-0 10/8/27 Transylvania W 25-6 10/6/28 Eastern Kentucky W 72-0 10/2/29 Cincinnati L 0-7 10/4/30 Hanover W 32-12 10/2/31 Hanover L 0-3 10/1/32 Union, Ky. L 6-32 9/30/33 Centre L 0-30 10/6/34 Georgetown, Ky. W 14-6 10/5/35 Transylvania L 7-14 10/3/36 Union, Ky. W 13-0 9/25/37 Hanover L 7-13 10/7/38 Wayne State W 14-12 10/6/39 Evansville W 7-6 9/21/40 Indiana State T 0-0 9/22/41 Rio Grande W 58-0 9/17/42 Rio Grande W 25-0 10/4/46 Wittenberg W 19-0 9/26/47 Wittenberg W 40-3 10/2/48 Saint Joseph’s, Ind. W 20-0 9/17/49 Saint Joseph’s, Ind. W 33-7 9/23/50 Saint Francis, Pa. W 34-14 10/5/51 Boston University L 7-39 9/27/52 Wayne State W 19-12 10/10/53 Xavier L 13-19 9/18/54 Murray State L 13-33 10/1/55 Wayne State W 72-0 9/29/56 Kent State L 0-7 10/5/57 Toledo W 48-20 9/27/58 Eastern Kentucky W 20-7 9/15/59 Western Kentucky W 19-0 9/23/60 Eastern Kentucky W 28-7 9/16/61 Tennessee Tech W 29-13 9/22/62 Western Michigan W 27-21 10/5/63 Southern Illinois L 7-13 9/19/64 Western Michigan L 7-10 9/25/65 Southern Illinois W 13-0 10/1/66 North Texas L 19-20 9/23/67 Southern Illinois W 26-0 10/12/68 Tulsa W 16-7 9/20/69 Southern Illinois W 17-13 9/26/70 North Texas W 13-2 10/2/71 Dayton W 41-13 9/16/72 Kent State W 34-0 10/6/73 Wichita State W 24-10 9/7/74 Memphis L 10-16 9/13/75 Western Kentucky L 17-21 9/25/76 Drake W 37-24 9/10/77 Northern Illinois W 38-0 9/9/78 South Dakota State W 54-7 9/8/79 Virginia Tech L 14-15 9/6/80 Miami, Fla. L 10-24 9/12/81 Toledo W 31-6 9/4/82 Western Kentucky W 20-10 9/10/83 Western Kentucky W 41-22 9/1/84 Murray State L 23-26 9/21/85 Western Kentucky W 23-14 9/20/86 Western Kentucky W 45-6 9/5/87 Tulane W 42-40 9/10/88 Wyoming L 9-44 9/23/89 West Virginia L 21-30 9/8/90 Murray State W 68-0 8/31/91 Eastern Kentucky W 24-14 9/12/92 Memphis W 16-15 9/4/93 San Jose State W 31-24 10/1/94 Pittsburgh W 33-29 9/16/95 Michigan State L 7-30 9/14/96 Baylor L 13-14 9/6/97 Utah L 21-27 9/5/98 Kentucky L 34-68 9/11/99 Chattanooga W 58-30 9/2/00 Kentucky W 40-34 8/23/01 New Mexico State W 45-24 9/1/02 Kentucky L 17-22 9/20/03 Texas-El Paso W 42-14 9/5/04 Kentucky W 28-0 9/17/05 Oregon State W 63-27 9/3/06 Kentucky W 59-28 8/30/07 Murray State W 73-10 8/31/08 Kentucky L 2-27 9/5/09 Indiana State W 30-10 9/4/10 Kentucky L 16-23 9/1/11 Murray State W 21-9 9/2/12 Kentucky W 32-14 9/1/13 Ohio W 49-7 9/1/14 Miami, Fla. W 31-13 9/12/15 Houston W 31-34 9/1/16 Charlotte W 70-14 9/16/17 Clemson W 21-47 9/8/18 Indiana State W 31-7 9/2/19 Notre Dame W 17-35 9/12/20 Western Kentucky W 35-21 9/11/21 Eastern Kentucky W 30-3 9/16/22 Florida State W 31-35 9/7/23 Murray State W 56-0 Season Openers (56-42-6) 10/11/12 Transylvania W, 32-0 A 10/4/13 Bethel W, 48-0 H 10/17/14 Tennessee L, 0-66 H 10/2/15 Centre T, 0-0 H 10/14/16 Centre* T, 0-0 H 10/22/21 Hanover W, 19-8 H 9/30/22 Western Kentucky L, 0-6 H 9/29/23 Western Kentucky L, 7-19 A 10/4/24 Kentucky L, 0-29 A 10/3/25 Evansville W, 20-0 H 10/2/26 Ogden W, 79-0 A 10/8/27 Transylvania* W, 25-6 H 10/6/28 Eastern Kentucky* W, 72-0 H 10/2/29 Cincinnati L, 0-7 H 10/4/30 Hanover W, 32-12 H 10/2/31 Hanover L, 0-3 H 9/24/32 Marshall L, 0-66 A 9/30/33 Centre* L, 0-30 H 10/6/34 Georgetown* W, 14-6 H 9/28/35 Butler L, 0-29 A 10/3/36 Union, Ky.* W, 13-0 H 9/25/37 Hanover L, 7-13 H 9/24/38 Cincinnati L, 0-19 A 9/22/39 Transylvania* W, 25-0 A 9/21/40 Indiana State T, 0-0 H 9/22/41 Rio Grande W, 58-0 H 9/17/42 Rio Grande W, 25-0 H 9/26/46 Evansville W, 13-7 A 9/26/47 Wittenberg W, 40-3 H 9/25/48 Memphis L, 7-13 A 9/17/49 Saint Joseph’s W, 33-7 H 9/23/50 Saint Francis W, 34-14 H 9/29/51 Wayne State W, 28-12 A 9/27/52 Wayne State W, 19-12 H 9/19/53 Murray State W, 19-14 A 9/18/54 Murray State L, 13-33 H 9/17/55 Murray State L, 14-33 A 9/22/56 Toledo W, 27-12 A 9/21/57 Evansville W, 33-7 A 9/27/58 Eastern Kentucky W, 20-7 H 9/15/59 Western Kentucky W, 19-0 H 9/17/60 Tennessee Tech L, 7-21 H 9/16/61 Tennessee Tech W, 29-13 H 9/15/62 Wichita State W, 21-20 A 9/28/63 North Texas* L, 6-26 A 9/19/64 Western Michigan L, 7-10 H 9/18/65 Western Michigan L, 13-17 A 9/24/66 Southern Illinois W, 16-7 A 9/16/67 Drake W, 46-7 A 9/21/68 Southern Illinois W, 33-10 A 9/13/69 Drake T, 24-24 A 9/12/70 Florida State L, 7-9 A 9/18/71 Vanderbilt T, 0-0 A 9/16/72 Kent State W, 34-0 H 9/8/73 Memphis L, 21-28 A 9/7/74 Memphis L, 10-16 H 9/13/75 Western Kentucky L, 17-21 H 9/18/76 Mississippi State W, 21-30 A 9/10/77 Northern Illinois W, 38-0 H 9/9/78 South Dakota State W, 54-7 H 9/8/79 Virginia Tech L, 14-15 H 9/6/80 Miami, Fla. L, 10-24 H 9/5/81 Florida State L, 0-17 A 9/4/82 Western Kentucky W, 20-10 H 9/3/83 Southern Methodist L, 6-24 A 9/1/84 Murray State L, 23-26 H 9/7/85 West Virginia L, 13-52 A 9/6/86 Illinois L, 0-23 A 9/5/87 Tulane W, 42-40 H 9/3/88 Maryland L, 16-27 A 9/2/89 Wyoming W, 28-21 A 9/1/90 San Jose State T, 10-10 A 8/31/91 Eastern Kentucky W, 24-14 H 9/5/92 Ohio State L, 19-20 A 9/4/93 San Jose State W, 31-24 H 9/3/94 Kentucky L, 14-20 A 9/2/95 Kentucky W, 13-10 A 8/31/96 Kentucky W, 38-14 A 8/30/97 Kentucky L, 24-38 A 9/5/98 Kentucky L, 34-68 H 9/4/99 Kentucky W, 56-28 A 9/2/00 Kentucky (ot) W, 40-34 H 8/23/01 New Mexico State W, 45-24 H 9/1/02 Kentucky L, 17-22 H 8/31/03 Kentucky W, 40-24 A 9/5/04 Kentucky W, 28-0 H GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 136 9/4/05 Kentucky W, 31-24 A 9/3/06 Kentucky W, 59-28 H 8/30/07 Murray State W, 73-10 H 8/31/08 Kentucky L, 2-27 H 9/5/09 Indiana State W, 30-10 H 9/4/10 Kentucky L, 16-23 H 9/1/11 Murray State W, 21-9 H 9/2/12 Kentucky W, 32-14 H 9/1/13 Ohio W, 49-7 H 9/1/14 Miami, Fla.* W, 31-13 H 9/5/15 Auburn L, 24-31 N 9/1/16 Charlotte W, 70-14 H 9/2/17 Purdue W, 35-28 N 9/1/18 Alabama L, 14-51 N 9/2/19 Notre Dame L, 17-35 H 9/12/20 Western Kentucky W, 35-21 H 9/6/21 Mississippi L, 24-43 N 9/3/22 Syracuse* L, 7-31 A 9/1/23 vs. Georgia Tech* W, 39-34 N Road Openers (43-57-5) 10/11/12 at Transylvania W 32-0 10/11/13 at Moores Hill W 77-0 11/7/14 at Cumberland L 0-20 10/9/15 at Wabash L 0-38 11/30/16 at Transylvania L 0-13 10/29/21 at Bethel (Ky.) T 0-0 10/14/22 at Kentucky L 0-73 9/29/23 at Western Kentucky L 7-19 10/4/24 at Kentucky L 0-29 10/10/25 at Western Kentucky W 6-0 10/2/26 at Ogden* W 79-0 10/22/27 at Marshall L 6-37 10/13/28 at Detroit L 0-46 10/11/29 at Transylvania* L 0-9 10/25/30 at Western Kentucky* L 6-7 10/16/31 at Butler L 6-61 9/24/32 at Marshall L 0-66 10/6/33 at Georgetown (Ky.)* L 0-13 10/13/34 at Toledo L 7-19 9/28/35 at Butler L 0-29 10/10/36 at Hanover W 12-2 10/2/37 at Transylvania* L 6-19 9/24/38 at Cincinnati L 0-19 9/22/39 at Transylvania* W 25-0 9/28/40 at Cincinnati L 0-7 9/27/41 at Cincinnati L 7-28 9/26/42 at Cincinnati L 0-51 9/26/46 at Evansville W 13-7 10/4/47 at DePauw W 37-0 9/25/48 at Memphis State L 7-13 9/24/49 at Western Kentucky W 47-7 10/7/50 at Cincinnati L 20-28 9/29/51 at Wayne State W 28-12 10/4/52 at Florida State W 41-14 9/19/53 at Murray State W 19-14 9/24/54 at Wayne State L 0-13 9/17/55 at Murray State L 14-33 9/22/56 at Toledo W 27-12 9/21/57 at Evansville W 33-7 10/4/58 at Toledo L 7-13 9/19/59 at Xavier L 13-28 9/17/60 at Tennessee Tech L 7-21 9/22/61 at Eastern Kentucky W 33-6 9/15/62 at Wichita State W 21-20 9/28/63 at North Texas State* L 6-26 9/26/64 at Southern Illinois L 6-7 9/18/65 at Western Michigan L 13-17 9/24/66 at Southern Illinois W 16-7 9/16/67 at Drake W 46-7 9/21/68 at Southern Illinois W 33-10 9/13/69 at Drake T 24-24 9/12/70 at Florida State L 7-9 9/18/71 at Vanderbilt T 0-0 9/30/72 at Dayton W 28-11 9/8/73 at Memphis State L 21-28 9/14/74 at Auburn L 3-16 9/20/75 at Drake L 7-31 9/18/76 at Mississippi State+ W 21-30 10/1/77 at Memphis State W 14-13 9/23/78 at Cincinnati W 28-14 9/15/79 at Miami (Fla.) L 12-24 9/13/80 at #10 Florida State L 0-52 9/5/81 at #19 Florida State L 0-17 9/11/82 at Cincinnati L 16-38 9/3/83 at #19 SMU L 6-24 9/8/84 at West Virginia L 6-30 9/7/85 at West Virginia L 13-52 9/6/86 at Illinois L 0-23 9/19/87 at Purdue T 22-22 9/3/88 at Maryland L 16-27 9/2/89 at Wyoming W 28-21 9/1/90 at San Jose State T 10-10 9/14/91 at #19 Ohio State L 15-23 9/5/92 at #17 Ohio State L 19-20 9/11/93 at Memphis State W 54-28 9/3/94 at Kentucky L 14-20 9/2/95 at Kentucky W 13-10 8/31/96 at Kentucky W 38-14 8/30/97 at Kentucky L 24-38 9/12/98 at Utah L 22-45 9/4/99 at Kentucky W 56-28 9/23/00 at #2 Florida State L 0-31 9/1/01 at Kentucky W 36-10 9/7/02 at Duke W 40-3 8/31/03 at Kentucky W 40-24 9/11/04 at Army* W 52-21 9/4/05 at Kentucky W 31-24 9/9/06 at Temple W 62-0 9/15/07 at Kentucky L 34-40 10/10/08 at Memphis W 35-28 9/19/09 at Kentucky L 27-31 9/18/10 at #25 Oregon State L 28-35 9/17/11 at Kentucky W 24-17 9/22/12 at FIU W 28-21 9/14/13 at Kentucky W 27-13 9/13/14 at Virginia* L 21-23 10/3/15 at NC State* W 20-13 9/9/16 at Syracuse* W 62-28 9/9/17 at North Carolina* W 47-35 9/22/18 at Virginia* L 3-27 9/21/19 at Florida State* L 24-35 9/26/20 at #21 Pittsburgh* L 20-23 9/25/21 at Florida State* W 31-23 9/3/22 at Syracuse* L 7-31 9/29/23 at NC State* W 13-10 Conference Openers (30-29) Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (10-8) 10/2/26 at Ogden W 79-0 10/8/27 Transylvania W 25-6 10/6/28 Eastern Kentucky W 72-0 10/11/29 at Transylvania L 0-9 10/11/30 Transylvania W 18-0 10/9/31 Transylvania L 0-2 10/15/32 at Eastern Kentucky L 0-38 9/30/33 Centre L 0-30 10/6/34 Georgetown (Ky.) W 14-6 10/5/35 Transylvania L 7-14 10/3/36 Union (Ky.) W 13-0 10/2/37 at Transylvania L 6-19 10/22/38 Georgetown (Ky.) L 0-6 9/22/39 at Transylvania W 25-0 10/18/40 Centre L 0-28 10/17/41 Transylvania W 13-0 10/11/46 at Georgetown (Ky.) W 20-0 10/24/47 Western Kentucky W 19-13 Ohio Valley Conference (1-0) 10/23/48 Western Kentucky W 19-6 Missouri Valley Conference (6-6) 9/28/63 at North Texas State L 6-26 10/3/64 North Texas State L 0-22 10/2/65 at North Texas State W 29-21 10/1/66 North Texas State L 19-20 9/3/0/67 at North Texas State L 28-30 10/12/68 Tulsa W 16-7 10/25/69 at North Texas State L 13-31 9/26/70 North Texas State W 13-2 9/25/71 at Drake L 7-10 10/14/72 North Texas State W 56-6 9/22/73 at Drake W 27-17 10/5/74 at Wichita State W 14-7 Conference USA (5-4) 9/28/96 Southern Miss L 7-24 10/4/97 at Southern Miss L 24-42 10/3/98 Cincinnati W 62-19 10/7/99 at Army (2OT) L 52-59 10/7/00 at UAB W 38-17 9/29/01 Memphis W 38-21 9/21/02 at Army W 45-14 10/4/03 at USF (2OT) L 28-31 9/11/04 at Army W 52-21 BIG EAST (2-6) 9/24/05 at USF L 14-45 10/14/06 Cincinnati W 23-17 9/22/07 Syracuse L 35-38 9/26/08 Connecticut L 21-26 10/2/09 Pittsburgh L 10-35 10/15/10 Cincinnati L 27-35 10/15/11 at Cincinnati L 16-25 10/13/12 at Pittsburgh W 45-35 American Athletic (1-0) 10/5/13 at Temple W 30-7 Atlantic Coast (5-5) 9/1/14 Miami W 31-13 9/17/15 #9 Clemson L 17-20 9/9/16 at Syracuse W 62-28 9/9/17 at North Carolina W 47-35 9/22/18 at Virginia L 3-27 9/21/19 at Florida State L 24-35 9/19/20 #17 Miami L 34-47 9/25/21 at Florida State W 31-23 9/3/22 at Syracuse L 3-31 9/1/23 vs. Georgia Tech W 39-34 Regular Season Finales (49-54-1) 11/15/12 Hanover W 73-0 11/22/13 Kentucky L 0-20 11/21/14 Rose Roly W 23-0 11/25/15 Transylvania L 0-26 11/30/16 at Transylvania L 0-13 11/26/21 at Marshall L 0-14 11/30/22 at Marshall L 7-21 11/17/23 at Georgetown (Ky.) W 12-6 11/27/24 at Marshall L 6-16 11/26/25 at Marshall W 7-2 11/25/26 at Florida Southern W 13-3 11/24/27 at Centenary L 2-59 11/24/28 Marshall L 0-13 11/23/29 Georgetown (Ky.) W 6-0 11/22/30 Earlham W 13-0 11/21/31 Centre L 0-75 11/19/32 at Western Kentucky L 0-58 11/18/33 Eastern Kentucky W 13-7 11/24/34 Union (Ky.) L 0-7 11/16/35 Morehead State W 20-0 11/21/36 Baldwin-Wallace L 0-67 11/20/37 Eastern Kentucky T 6-6 11/19/38 Centre L 0-14 11/18/39 Hanover W 20-0 11/16/40 at Long Island L 6-29 11/15/41 Vanderbilt L 0-68 10/24/42 Indiana State L 7-25 11/16/46 Union (Univ.) W 25-0 11/22/47 Washington W 33-20 11/27/48 at Washington L 12-27 11/24/49 at Southern Miss L 21-26 11/25/50 at Southern Miss L 28-34 11/23/51 Southern Miss W 14-13 11/22/52 at Southern Miss L 26-55 11/14/53 Eastern Kentucky L 13-20 11/13/54 at Eastern Kentucky L 6-20 11/19/55 Toledo W 33-13 11/17/56 Eastern Kentucky W 14-6 11/22/57 Morehead State W 40-6 11/22/58 North Texas State L 10-21 11/21/59 at Kent State L 14-16 11/11/60 Kent State W 22-8 11/18/61 at North Texas State W 20-0 11/24/62 Houston L 25-27 12/14/63 at Houston L 7-21 11/21/64 Drake* L 8-14 11/20/65 at Kent State L 6-7 11/26/66 East Carolina W 21-7 12/2/67 at Tulsa L 23-35 11/30/68 Memphis State* L 14-44 11/27/69 at Tulsa* W 35-29 11/28/70 at Wichita State* W 34-24 11/27/71 Cincinnati L 16-19 11/25/72 Drake* W 27-0 11/24/73 at West Texas State* W 21-9 11/30/74 West Texas State* W 10-8 11/22/75 at West Texas State L 23-49 11/27/76 at Cincinnati L 6-20 11/20/77 Indiana State W 27-16 11/18/78 at Southern Miss L 3-37 11/25/79 Rutgers L 7-31 11/22/80 at Southern Miss W 6-3 11/21/81 #9 Southern Miss W 13-10 11/20/82 at Memphis State W 38-19 11/24/83 Memphis State L 7-45 11/17/84 at Southern Miss L 25-34 11/23/85 Eastern Kentucky L 21-45 11/22/86 at Southern Miss L 16-31 11/14/87 at Memphis State L 8-43 11/12/88 Western Kentucky W 35-17 12/2/89 vs. Syracuse+ L 13-24 11/10/90 Boston College W 17-10 11/16/91 at Tulsa L 0-40 11/14/92 at Pittsburgh W 31-16 11/25/93 at Tulsa W 28-0 11/26/94 Tulsa W 34-27 11/18/95 North Texas W 57-14 11/16/96 at Houston* L 7-38 11/15/97 at Memphis* L 20-21 11/21/98 Army* W 35-23 11/20/99 #18 Southern Miss* L 27-30 11/18/00 at Houston* W 32-13 11/23/01 at TCU* L 22-37 11/30/02 at Houston* L 10-27 11/28/03 at Cincinnati* W 43-40 12/4/04 at Tulane* W 55-7 12/3/05 at Connecticut* W 30-20 12/2/06 Connecticut* W 48-17 11/29/07 Rutgers* W 41-38 12/4/08 at Rutgers* L 14-63 11/27/09 Rutgers* L 14-34 11/26/10 at Rutgers* W 40-13 11/25/11 at USF* W 34-24 11/29/12 at #25 Rutgers* W 20-17 12/5/13 at #23 Cincinnati W 31-24 11/29/14 Kentucky W 44-40 11/28/15 at Kentucky W 38-24 11/26/16 Kentucky L 38-41 11/25/17 at Kentucky W 44-17 11/24/18 #17 Kentucky L 10-56 11/30/19 at Kentucky L 13-45 12/12/20 Wake Forest* W 45-21 11/27/21 Kentucky L 21-52 11/26/22 at Kentucky L 13-26 11/25/23 Kentucky L 31-38 GoCards.com n @UofLFootball 137 Next >