< PreviousB ridgestone Arena is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for all guests. All guests shall re- main respectful and courteous to Arena staff and fellow patrons and guests must comply with directives from Arena staff regarding Arena policies, emergency response procedures and behavior which im- pacts the event experience. The Arena values the support of all guests and reserves the right to eject any guest for any reason. In order to maintain the safe and enjoyable access to Bridgestone Arena and its outdoor plaza area(s) (collectively, “Arena”), all Arena Rules and Regulations below will be applicable and enforceable. Bridgestone Arena Policies Guests agree to follow the Arena’s health and safety policies, which are informed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) guidance, SEC League guidelines, local, state and federal orders, regulations and ordinances pertaining to health and safety at all times while at the Arena. Health and safety policies may be posted throughout the Arena as well as on tickets and are subject to change as circumstances, regulations or guidance change. Bag Policy APPROVED BAGS: Medical bags, parenting bags, CLEAR 12" x 12" bags, and NON-CLEAR 6.5" x 4.5" bags will be permitted fol- lowing X-Ray screening. Backpacks of any kind are NOT permitted. Guests attending events with unapproved bags will experience delayed entry times, for expedited entry please leave bags at home. Banners and Flags Banners and flags are prohibited from being hung or fastened in the Arena. Hand-held signs no larger than 2’x3’ are permitted but must meet the following criteria: n Signs cannot be obscene or profane in nature or content. n Signs cannot obstruct the view of guests. n Signs cannot be attached to sticks or poles. n No items may be affixed to signs. n The Arena has the right to revoke this signage policy without prior notification at the request of individual events. Code of Conduct n Guests may not interfere with the event and/or athletes and/or performers in any manner. n Guests shall refrain from using abusive or threatening language or obscene gestures and/or language. n Guests may not engage in fighting, taunting, assault, intention- al and unwanted physical contact with another guest, making threatening gestures, throwing objects or other behavior deemed potentially detrimental to the experience of other guests; those who engage in any of these actions will immediately be ejected from the event. n Guests are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior to Arena staff. n Guests who consume alcohol must do so in a legal and respon- sible manner. n Guests shall comply with requests from Arena staff regarding op- erational and emergency procedures. n Guests may not engage in unauthorized commercial activity on property. n Violation of these Rules and Regulations may result in ejection without a ticket refund. n Guests must be courteous to other guests when entering and leav- ing the Arena. n Guests shall refrain from placing cups or other items on walls or ledges. n Guests shall refrain from sitting or standing on seat backs or step- ping over and/or on seats. n Guests who fail to abide by Arena policies and/or state and feder- al law are subject to ejection from the Arena. Lost and Found Items found before, during, or after an event should be turned into the AT&T Fan Information Center. Items will then be turned into security, logged in and kept for 14 calendar days. Item(s) may be donated to charity or disposed of at the discretion of Arena manage- ment if not claimed after such period. The Arena is not responsible for any lost or damaged items. Severe Weather Bridgestone Arena is a storm ready certified arena. Arena officials work directly with the National Weather Service and the Metro Of- fice of Emergency Management to monitor and adapt to ever-chang- ing weather conditions. In the event of a severe weather situation, guests are directed to follow the guidance of Arena personnel to ensure everyone’s safety. Tournament Tickets https://www.bridgestonearena.com/events/detail/2024-sec-mens- basketball-tournament 10 @KentuckyMBB Bridgestone Arena Rules & Regulations$ 600+ IN SAVINGS EVERY WEEK WITH DIGITAL COUPONS Scan here to start saving. Official Grocer of UK Athletics.Thank You to Our CORNERSTONE PARTNERSNE16 South Carolina 9 Arkansas Game 1 Noon CT 8 Ole Miss Game 5 Noon CT 1 Auburn Game 9 Noon CT 5 Texas A&M Game 6 25 minutes after Game 5 7 Missouri Game 7 6:00 p.m. CT 6 Kentucky Game 8 25 minutes after Game 7 13 Texas 12 Vanderbilt Game 2 25 minutes after Game 1 15 LSU 10 Mississippi State Game 3 6:00 p.m. CT 14 Oklahoma 11 Georgia Game 4 25 minutes after Game 3 Game 13 Noon CT Game 15 Noon CT Game 14 25 minutes after Game 13 4 Tennessee Game 10 25 minutes after Game 9 2 Florida Game 11 6:00 p.m. CT 3 Alabama Game 12 25 minutes after Game 11 First Round Wednesday, March 12 Second Round Thursday, March 13 Quarterfinals Friday, March 14 Semifinals Saturday, March 15 Championship Sunday, March 16 2024-25 MEN’S BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Bridgestone Arena • Nashville, TN SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE 2025 SEC Tournament Schedule 14 @KentuckyMBBLEARN MORE AT GO.UKY.EDU/UKINVESTS OR BY SCANNING THE QR CODE. go.uky.edu/ukinvests | ukinvests@uky.edu The University of Kentucky is boldly committed to transforming our students' lives – both in and out of the classroom. In August 2023, we proudly introduced UK Invests – a first-of-its-kind initiative nationally and a holistic wellness program anchored by financial education. Through UK Invests, we are empowering and encouraging students to understand the importance of investing in themselves and their future. Ultimately, through this initiative, every student on campus can receive a personal investment account that will be used to incentivize and reward them for developing healthy habits – from wellness to career skill building to financial literacy. During the 2023-2024 academic year, more than 7,500 students opened a brokerage account through UK Invests. Collectively, those students participating in the program have earned more than $920,000. This program sets UK apart from other colleges and universities by teaching real-world situations to demonstrate the benefits of saving and investing early. “We can say we’re going to put students first, but by stepping forward in this way, we do put students first,” UK President Capiluoto said. “We believe in them, their future and what it can mean for Kentucky.” *Fidelity Bloom® is a mobile app designed to help with student’s saving, spending and investing behaviors through the Save and Spend accounts, which are brokerage accounts covered by SIPC. They are not bank accounts and therefore are not covered by FDIC insurance. Account made available via the app may be subject to fee. Brokerage account products and services offered by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC. Member NYSE, SIPC. 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917. Investing involves risk, including risk of loss. Compliance eReview number: 1102478.1.0 A WILDLY POWERFUL COMMITMENT “It means a lot that UK takes the time to educate students on how to manage money because it shows that they don’t just care about their students’ success in the classroom.” Langston Jackson, Class of 2023 16 @KentuckyMBBWhether supporting their team on the court or each other in the community, Big Blue Nation is committed to the success of the Wildcat family. The UK Alumni Association operates under the same game plan as it works to serve the students, alumni and friends of the University of Kentucky. FAMILY IS EVERYTHING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, www.ukalumni.net/membership YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE W hen you stand for and with UK, you’re investing in the future of the university and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Show your true colors by becoming a Life or Active Member of the UK Alumni Association today!WEEKNIGHTS 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. 18 @KentuckyMBBNext >