< Previous28 | launching a free resumé review program. Courtney Archer (Southland Conference), Dave Nelson (Texas), Marissa Avanzato (Texas A&M), Justin Maskus (Missouri Southern State) and Kraig Doremus (Mercer) graciously stepped up and volunteered to be on our working subcommittee by offering peer resumé review. The Job Seekers Committee to date has reviewed over 50 resumés as part of the service provided. It has helped those in our profession that are not only new to the field but help revamp those who have been in the field for a while but needed their resumé to get a new and fresh look. “I knew CoSIDA had something in the works for how they were going to help SIDs who were out of work, so I knew I had to take advantage of this right when I saw it,” free agent Alex Crook shared. “I had my resumé reviewed by Courtney Archer, Associate Commissioner for Communications at the Southland Conference, and the experience could not have been more beneficial. Not only did I land more interviews after the review than before, but Courtney was very thorough and detail-oriented about what would make my resumé stand out from the rest and why. She even helped me with my LinkedIn page. I’m really glad I took advantage of this service and I highly recommend it!” “When I look at another SID’s resumé, I’m not trying to find mistakes,” shared committee member, Dave Nelson. “Instead, I ask how can I best refine this document to get my colleagues the job they desire. SIDs are accustomed to writing without bylines and we do a great job promoting our coaches and student- athletes. Our goal as a committee is to try and help our sisters and brothers promote themselves.” Additionally, a freelance and help wanted database has been created through CoSIDA’s Career Center. Institutions may post help wanted opportunities, ranging from feature writing, to stats We know that for many of our members, life is really hard right now. You may have lost a job you thought you’d have forever, you may have been forced to take a furlough, you may have experienced none of this, but are anxious about the future. We hear you — and that’s where the Job Seekers Committee is ready to give back to our members during these uncertain times. Historically, the Job Seekers Committee’s main objective has been centered on the CoSIDA annual convention. After the pandemic forced a cancellation of #CoSIDA2020, committee chair Matt McCollester (Richmond) and myself as vice chair realized that there was a much bigger void that our committee could help fill to better serve our members. “The Job Seekers Committee has always been one of the most important committees in CoSIDA but in these uncertain times, it has taken on a bigger role in support of our membership,” McCollester said. “With so much fluidity in our field and collegiate athletics as a whole, we realized a definite need to support our members through a process that may not have been expected or has seen their professional world turn upside down. Our committee wanted to be a resource for our membership and provide as much assistance to our entire organization, but even more, we focused on those who have been impacted by all of the changes the pandemic created.” During the 2020 convention, we offered prerecorded Zoom sessions on several different topics, such as the application process and job search, how to break into the profession and advance your career along with networking tips and tricks. Another area we touched on, thanks to committee members Justin Maskus and Travis Jarome, was resumé building. As more and more people in our profession were taking hits to their careers, we felt called to work with our committee on by Shelby Hild | Illinois State University, Assistant Director of Athletics Communications | CoSIDA Job Seekers Committee Vice Chair Expanding Our Offerings CoSIDA Job Seekers Committee aims to provide more value during a time of need for the membership. Careers // Job Seekers “I had my resumé reviewed by Courtney Archer, and the experience could not have been more beneficial. Not only did I get more interviews after the review than before, but Courtney was very thorough and detail-oriented about what would make my resumé stand out from the rest and why.” Alex CrookCoSIDA 360 | FEBRUARY 2021 | 29 and PA assistance on game days, but must be paying dues to add a listing. Open to all, the freelance listings are organized by state in which the individual resides. Freelancers can list what types of services they can provide (i.e. writing, table crew, game day statistics, graphic design, etc.) and if they are willing to travel, along with contact information. “The Freelance and Help Wanted Database idea sprung from listening to the concerns of our members during CoSIDA Coffee Shops,” said Beau White, CoSIDA staff liaison to the Job Seekers Committee. “I kept hearing that people were worried about how they were going to staff multiple events during the pandemic, and at the same time people were losing their jobs and needed opportunities to work. From there it was about coming up with the simplest solution to connect people. It felt like an easy service we could provide that could make a positive impact for a lot of people.” To our members — keep persevering, keep advocating for yourself and trust the process! #SIDsMakeItHappen. Two-year positions are available in: • Athletics communication • Sports ministry (national and international) • Baseball • Basketball (men’s) • Basketball (women’s)/Athletics Diversity • Lacrosse (women’s) • Softball • Volleyball (women’s) • Wrestling • Cross country/track and field • and more! Messiah University’s Master of Arts in intercollegiate athletic leadership offers an academically excellent, online program coupled with graduate assistant opportunities that allow you to apply theory to practice. Are you looking for a flexible intercollegiate athletics program with graduate assistant opportunities? Experience the academic distinction of a nationally ranked Christian university. APPLY TODAY 717-796-5061 messiah.edu/GA Online | Flexible | Affordable View available graduate assistantship positions at messiah.edu/GA Find links to our new Career Center offerings including the Peer Resumé Review and Freelance and Help Wanted Database under the Careers tab on CoSIDA.com.30 | and Wellness Committee community service coordinator Ryan Davis, an assistant commissioner for communications at the Missouri Valley Conference said. Each week is broken down into a specific area of broadcasting. The program is open to students in 8th through 11th grades and will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-7 pm. The Goodwill and Wellness Committee generally raises $4,500- $5,000 a year from the 5K that will be donated to Frontline Outreach this year for the camera gear and tools for the broadcasting program. The initial program is set to run from late February until mid-April. Monica May, an award winning radio and television veteran, will lead the instruction over the eight-week period. CoSIDA reached out to members in advance of the program for help creating the curriculum and to obtain donated gear. If you are interested in getting involved in this year’s program or future programs, contact Ryan Davis at Remember what it was like to be 12 years old and believe you could be anything you wanted? Through its annual community service project, CoSIDA will be training the next generation of athletics communicators this semester in Florida. CoSIDA’s Goodwill and Wellness Committee is working with Frontline Outreach Sports Center this year to provide a broadcasting program for children in Orlando. This marks the third year the committee has partnered with Frontline Outreach to provide a community outreach program in conjunction with CoSIDA’s annual convention. “We encourage kids to try different career opportunities that they don’t see everyday,” Frontline Outreach administrative assistant Jennifer Henry said about the idea behind the program. “We have sports at our facility so we thought that providing an opportunity that is inside the sports world would give kids the chance to build their communication and soft skills through a broadcasting program.” This year’s program hits close to home for CoSIDA and its members. The program will introduce students to the athletics communication field by teaching them about sports broadcasting. The group of 10 to 15 students will be working with cameras to learn how to shoot and edit video and perform stand-ups. They will also learn the history of broadcasting and how to write, edit and create graphics for a sports show. The students will have an opportunity to build their portfolios by producing their own broadcast at the end of the program. “I think this program is a great way for CoSIDA to leave our mark at Frontline Outreach. Hopefully it’s something that grows, and many kids will be exposed to broadcasting skills and it will inspire the future generation for years to come,” Goodwill by Danielle Potts | CoSIDA Intern | Training the Next Generation CoSIDA pairs with Orlando organization, Frontline Outreach, to teach sports media to local youth. Goodwill & Wellness Admin Specialist Jennifer Henry and Athletic & Facilities Director Dwight Mitchell of Frontline Outreach of Orlando. Ph ot o p ro vi de d b y J en ni fe r H en ry .CoSIDA 360 | FEBRUARY 2021 | 31 EQUIPMENT LIST Two computers that are able to run VMix and camera inputs Two HD cameras Tripods for cameras Studio microphones Green screen Lighting for the set Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Audition Cables Three Components of FSYN: Communication Video Production Career Exploration Due Date (all components): February 10, 2021 Complete by Task □ December 1-4 -Contact Construction Company - Staff Meeting: Finalize Educators and Assemble Syllabus: Teaching topics □ December 7-11 -Get Construction quotes and finalize design -Begin filling in syllabus □ December 14- 18 -Staff Meeting: Create “Sign Up” Marketing – emails, Flyers, Social Media Content -Create Sign up on Frontline Website -Clear out the room -Research and request Food distribution and in kind services □ January 11-15 -Order Furniture and Equipment -Test Electric System in Room -Receive Publix Donation -Open Enrollment -Begin Recruitment □ January 18-22 --Staff Meeting: Complete syllabus Make Changes -Continue student interviews -Construction team put up and paint walls □ January 25-29 -Set up equipment in the room -Continue Student interviews -Contact Special Guests and Complete Guest schedule □ February 8-12 -Organize Enrolled Students and paperwork -Purchase and Schedule meals, snacks, and other foods -Host Orientation □ □ *Program is 8 weeks* 1st session- Feb. 15 through April 9th Contact Construction Team Construction Starts Create Marketing Order Furniture/ Open Enrollment Furnish Room/ Finalize Syllibus Interview Applicants Begin Program! FSYN PLANNING “The Frontline SportsCenter Youth Network” is a project-based learning program that teaches students how to sportscast live games and be a part of a broadcasting crew. This career filled exploration program infuses hands-on camera engagement, oratory skills, entrepreneurship, technological media to create content, record live events and games, and learn from informative field trips. Last update: 1/14/2020 COURSE BREAKDOWN Week 1Getting to know each other and history of sports broadcasting Week 2 On-camera tips and interviewing techniques Week 3 Learning the equipment Week 4 Writing for video/video shooting Week 5 Video editing Week 6 Video editing Week 7 Creating graphics and overlay Week 8 Shooting and presenting a real sports show Proceeds from the 2021 CoSIDA 5K Fun Run/2-Mile Walk will be donated to Frontline Outreach to support this project. To make a separate donation now, go to Learn more about Frontline Outreach of Orlando This is the space being transformed for the project. Frontline Outreach intends to recognize CoSIDA with a sign and expose the students to our organization. Goodwill & Wellness -32 | The SID Life What’s a cause you truly believe in? Plus, tips to navigate the Spring, most prized possessions, childhood aspirations, dream vacations and what we’re learning. “The SID Life” is a series surveying CoSIDA members for their thoughts on topics and issues in the athletic communications industry, plus personal insights into not-so-serious issues, too. • Temi Bajulaiye – Babson College, Athletics Communications and New Media Specialist • Matt Dowdy – Texas Tech University, Athletic Communications Director • Tim McKinney – Triton College, Sports Information Specialist/Special Assistant Coach: Women’s Basketball • Mindy Mills – Cal State San Marcos, Assistant Sports Information Director • Shanna Moser – University of Maryland Baltimore County, Assistant Director - Athletic Communications BAJULAIYEDOWDYMCKINNEYMILLSMOSER A tip to move successfully through the Spring semester: Control the controllable. Don’t stress about things out of your hands. Be patient. Try to find the good in every situation. Stay positive and push forward. Take time to breathe and clear your mind. Really get to know incoming student- athletes on a personal level. Lean on your people! Your support systems are so important. As a kid, I wanted to grow up to be: An inventor. A writer for Sports Illustrated. A baseball player for the Chicago Cubs. A pilot and then a coach. A meteorologist. A cause I truly believe in: Giving back and helping others. The CFP’s Extra Yard for Teachers campaign. Being an advocate for women’s sports. Volunteering at children hospitals. Ending the stigmas around mental health. My most prized possession is: My hat collection. I try to get a hat whenever I go somewhere new. Christmas tree decorations from trips my wife and I have made together. The Burberry tie that my late fiancée gave me and my Triton MBB national championship ring. A driftwood clock my grandpa made and grandma’s framed women’s basketball photo from 1930. My grandmother’s rosary, dirt from the set of The Sandlot, and original releases of every The Doors record from my dad. Something I’m learning: I’ve always focused on “what’s next,” but I’ve come to realize you need to enjoy the journey because you can’t always pick the destination. Good nutrition. My wife and I have set a goal to eat healthier in 2021, and I can already feel a difference. Continue to stay positive and cherish every day I have. Life is too short to let whatever is going on in the world get to you. Life is short and family is No. 1. Your worth as an employee is not measured by your productivity. My dream vacation: A staycation in NYC. Hawai’i. Relaxing on the beach watching the waves roll in. Travel across Europe. A return trip to Europe where I went when I was eight. Italy with my mom to eat all the pasta and see where our family is from. T E A MS A NNO U NC E D A T : C o S ID A M EM B ER P R O G R A M IN F O RM A T I O N : CoSIDA Member To-Do List Make sure your CoSIDA membership is current for 2020-21 before nominations for M/W Basketball open April 13. Renew your membership at IMPORTANT! Only current 2020-21 dues-paying members can nominate and vote. Download the 2020-21 Master Schedule at PRO TIP: Add the dates to your calendar by subscribing at Share with your winning student-athletes, plus your coaches and administrators, about the prestigious award they’ve Have an Academic All-America® display your proud of? Share it with the CoSIDA community on Slack. Join in Next >